
常见问题 for Prospective Students

  1. Do I need to audition? 我应该在我的申请中加入艺术补充材料吗?
  2. Can I take a tour of Bryn Mawr?
  3. Can I observe/participate in a dance class?
  4. 即使我不是舞蹈专业,我也可以上舞蹈课吗?
  5. How many dance studios are there?
  6. How big are the dance classes?
  7. What kind of dance courses does Bryn Mawr offer?
  8. Is there live accompaniment for dance classes?
  9. How many dance majors or minors are there?
  10. How many faculty members are there?
  11. Are there performance opportunities?
  12. Does Bryn Mawr provide career counseling?
  13. What do dance majors do when they graduate?
  14. What about the summer?

1. Do I need to audition? 我应该在我的申请中加入艺术补充材料吗?


我们鼓励之前受过培训的未来学生通过通用申请作品集(SlideRoom)提交艺术补充材料供考虑。. 四到五分钟的舞蹈录像就足够了, 并且应该在视频中明确指出未来的学生是谁(e).g.“我是那个从舞台左边第二个入场的红衣舞者。”). 受过一定训练的准学生还应该附上一份舞蹈简历或描述训练和经验的简短段落.

2. Can I take a tour of Bryn Mawr?

To take a tour of the College, contact the 招生 Office. At the time of scheduling, 向招生办表明你希望与舞蹈项目见面和/或参观舞蹈工作室, 看一节课, or take a class.

3. Can I observe/participate in a dance class?

You are welcome to attend or observe a dance class. 参观 跳舞 Courses and Schedule page to see what's available. 舞蹈节目的成员或导游会带你去舞蹈工作室.

4. 即使我不是舞蹈专业,我也可以上舞蹈课吗?

是的! 学生可以选修任何适合他们兴趣的课程, 时间表, and skill level or experience, 包括完整的初学者到专业预科学生. It does not matter whether students are dance majors or minors; classes are open to all, even after 要求s have been fulfilled. 

5. How many dance studios are there?

看到 舞蹈空间.

6. How big are the dance classes?

Beginning level classes such as Beginning Ballet and Beginning Modern typically have 15-20 students; intermediate and advanced levels usually range from eight to 18. Open level classes such as hip hop, 踢踏舞或散居非洲人的舞蹈课程大约有10-25名学生. 合奏团和学校表演项目是通过试镜或邀请,可以从4到15取决于编舞家的意图.

7. What kinds of dance courses does Bryn Mawr offer?

看到 跳舞 Courses and Schedule.

8. Is there live accompaniment for dance classes?


9. How many dance majors or minors are there?

每年通常有五到八名学生辅修舞蹈, with majors that range from Chemistry to English.

通常每个毕业班有两到四个专业. The major is directed through the Independent Major 学生提交学习计划以供批准的课程.

10. How many faculty members are there?

在典型的一年里,我们的舞蹈课程大约有15名教师和音乐伴奏. At the core are Director of 跳舞 Dr. 莱拉·艾莎·琼斯和客座助理教授塔米·卡拉斯科以及正在进行的专业雇佣教师他们与这个项目有着持续的关系. Other professional hire faculty are new to the area and present additional teaching or choreographic possibilities; some are guest choreographers who are brought in for a semester to work with students. 参观 舞蹈教师 page for more information.

11. Are there performance opportunities?

看到 Performance Opportunities

12. Does Bryn Mawr provide career counseling?

舞蹈项目为对舞蹈感兴趣的学生提供实习建议和咨询, 夏天的计划, and post-graduation possibilities. 参见 职业生涯 & Civic Engagement Center.

13. What do dance majors do when they graduate?

Some students go on to perform professionally, 在从专业学校到社区中心的各种场合教授舞蹈, to teach at the college or university level, to become dance critics, to become dance/movement therapists, to become arts management personnel, or to research and write about dance. 还有一些学生对舞蹈保持了毕生的兴趣,后来成为了医生, 律师, anthropologists, 市场分析师, 作家, 编辑器, English professors, 等.

14. What about summer?

看到 Support for Summer Study. (推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜在夏季不开设舞蹈课程.)

常见问题 for Current Students

  1. How do I register for dance courses?
  2. Can I take a dance course to satisfy my P.E. 要求?
  3. How many dance classes can I take per semester?
  4. How is level determined in technique courses?
  5. Can I audit a dance class?
  6. What's being offered in the coming semester?
  7. 校外课程有经济资助吗, 研讨会, summer internships, or courses of study?

1. How do I register for dance courses? How does credit work?

  • 大多数舞蹈技术课程和所有的合奏都可以参加 .5 academic credit.  所有的技术和合奏都可以用来完成P.E. 要求. You can register for P.E. 或者任何一门课程的学分,不能两者都有. 
  • 所有舞蹈研究课程和舞蹈创作/编舞/表演课程都带1分.0 academic credit. ARTD 403 Supervised Work may be taken for .5-1.0 academic credit.
  • 想要学习舞蹈课程以获得学分的学生可以通过仿生在舞蹈艺术项目下的常规学术注册程序来完成. 想要获得体育学分的学生可以在每学期体育课的第一天在仿生上注册.E. registration opens. 

2. Can I take dance courses to fulfill my P.E. 要求?

是的! Undergraduates can fulfill their P.E. elective credits through dance. 也, 如果某个特定的学习领域不作为课程的一部分,学生可以在经过认证的工作室或该地区的经过认证的讲师进行预先批准的独立学习,最多可获得两个学分, 或者如果学生想要更多的高级课程.

3. How many dance classes can I take per semester?

Students may take as many courses as they wish, 考虑到完整的学习时间表和工作量.

如果一个学生是一个专注的舞者,想要每天或每周几天跳舞, the student may mix and match courses. 如果学生想选修额外的课程,但不再需要学分, they may continue to take classes. 

4. How is level determined in technique courses?

对中级或高级芭蕾感兴趣的一年级学生应该在入学的第一周参加一个安置班, 在海关新生迎新时间表中公布. 

For all other classes, 请参阅下面的指导方针或联系舞蹈课程以确定要参加的级别. 第一周的课程是一个试验周,看看每个人是否被安排在适当的水平.

General guidelines:

  • Level 1 = beginning students, students who have not danced since childhood, 四到五年没有跳舞的学生,需要时间恢复体形, students returning from injuries, 等.
  • 2级=学习一门技术一年半到两年的学生, 更有经验的舞者正在尝试新的风格或技术.
  • 3级=至少学过3到4年技术的学生, or permission of the instructor. 
  • Open level classes (e.g., 跳舞 of the African Diaspora,利用, 嘻哈)既适合初学者,也适合那些再次参加课程的人. 如果有时间冲突,更高级的舞者可以混合和匹配课程.

5. Can I audit a dance class?

A student may attend a course if there is space, 并承诺以一致的方式来上课. All auditors must register for PE credit.

6. What's being offered in the coming semester?

看到 跳舞 Courses and Schedule.

7. 校外课程有经济资助吗, 研讨会, summer internships, or courses of study?

看到 Support for Summer Study




Bryn Mawr College
101 N. 梅里恩大道
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Phone: 610-526-5208

Lela Aisha Jones
Director of 跳舞
(610) 526-5207